Building Services Consulting Engineers

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In order for buildings to work reliably and efficiently and the occupants to be productive regular maintenance of the plant is required. Those who carry it out must be suitably skilled and provide a credible record of the work being carried out. For some services such as Fire Alarms, Emergency lighting and domestic water these records are a statutory requirement.

We are able to help in this sphere by viewing the building(s) and its records and then in consultation with the party responsible for maintenance we we can prepare a suitable regime, contract conditions and pricing documents and and then tender the works to appropriate contractors. We can then analyze the results, make a recommendation and arrange contract documentation for the work.

Depending on the requirement we are able to monitor the contract by viewing contractor's and Building Manager's reports and quotes remotely and by making site visits and attending meetings as required. For buildings with internet connected Building Management Systems we can also view the building's internal conditions and plant status and provide immediate remote advice or even remedies in the event of problems.

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